Simple and delicious Margherita pizza with tomato,...
Slow-cooking for a melt-in-your-mouth experience...
Slow-cooking for a melt-in-your-mouth experience...
Traditional Japanese miso soup with tofu and seaweed.
50 g
4 g
6 g
2 g
Step 1
Boil water and add dried seaweed and bonito flakes for dashi broth.
Step 2
Cut tofu into small cubes and slice green onions.
Step 3
Add miso paste to a small amount of hot water and mix until dissolved.
Step 4
Add miso mixture, tofu, and green onions to the dashi broth.
Step 5
Simmer for a few minutes and serve hot.
I'm on a strict diet and this recipe fits perfectly into my plan.
I'm not a fan of cooking, but this recipe was worth the effort.