Rich and creamy chicken Alfredo pasta with a homem...
Stirring up some culinary magic...
Stirring up some culinary magic...
Simple and elegant Italian salad with tomatoes and mozzarella.
250 g
15 g
5 g
20 g
Step 1
Slice tomatoes and fresh mozzarella into rounds.
Step 2
Arrange them on a plate, alternating between tomato and mozzarella slices.
Step 3
Tuck fresh basil leaves between the slices.
Step 4
Drizzle balsamic vinegar and olive oil over the salad.
Step 5
Season with salt and pepper to taste.
I made this for a family gathering and it was a hit with everyone.
I tried a variation with different herbs and it was a flavor explosion.
The combination of flavors in this dish is amazing.